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Board of Directors

The Cancer Support Now Board of Directors meets monthly on the second Sunday of the month from 1:00 to 3:15 pm, with occasional deviations due to holidays, conferences, or travel. If you have items of business or discussion you would like to present to or ask of the board, you may call or email any Board member, or you may attend any meeting. Locations and times are listed below the Board of Directors listing. 

Board Members

Anjanette Cureton, President 

Dr. Cureton is the clinical psychologist at the University of New Mexico Cancer Center. A brain cancer survivor, Dr. Cureton is a peer support group facilitator for Cancer Support Now. 

Carmelita Agodon, M.D. 

Dr. Agodon, an anesthesiologist, a bilateral breast cancer survivor and a trained support facilitator. Prior to her own cancer experience, she was a caregiver to her grandmother with lung cancer, uncle with colon cancer and an aunt with breast cancer.

Russell Janis, Finance Committee

Russell has made his career as a CPA and financial advisor. He is the father of twin daughters and is currently a cancer caregiver for his longtime partner. He enjoys Tai Chi, martial arts, cooking and baseball.

Lindy Ruggiero, Treasurer

Lindy is a breast cancer survivor with the BRCA2 genetic mutation.  Prior to retiring, she was the Executive Director of an international law firm.  She currently participates in a CSN journaling group for individuals dealing with grief or anticipatory grief.  

Colleen Sullivan-Moore

Colleen Sullivan-Moore is a New Mexico Native. She became involved in oncology after several family members were diagnosed with cancer.   Colleen is a Masters prepared Registered Nurse of 43 years. She is the founder of Liminal Patient Navigation Consultants LLC,  has worked in various roles in oncology navigation, and participated in the formation of the Breast Patient Navigation Certification Exam.

Debbie Weissman

Debbie Weissman was diagnosed with serous endometrial cancer in 2018 and has been in remission since treatment. She is a member of the Survivors Writing Together journaling group. She is a retired physician assistant and currently volunteers at the Rio Grande Nature Center.

Anne-Marie Cooper

Anne-Marie is a licensed behavioral health therapist who works within a private practice setting. She brings a multicultural background that keeps her connected to different healthcare approaches in the United States and Europe. Several loved ones in her family have battled cancer related to the BRACA2 gene, and Anne-Marie is a previvor carrying the same mutation.

Advisory Committee

Tricia Monaghan, JD, Legal Advisor

A former Cancer Support Now board member (2012-2017), Tricia Monaghan is a dynamic lawyer with more than twenty years broad based experience in civil and commercial law and nonprofit organizations.  Preceded by a career in banking including organizational management and commercial lending.  Strong experience in forming and working with nonprofit corporations. 

Eleanor Schick, Helpline Coordinator

Eleanor Schick answers the Cancer Support Now, Inc. Helpline providing support to callers and information on resources. She is a breast cancer survivor and a support group facilitator. Eleanor serves as the Community Cancer Navigator for CSN.


Patricia Torn, MPA, Peer Support Facilitator Trainer/DOH Contract Administrator.

Four time cancer caregiver for loved ones, Patricia retired from the City of Albuquerque in 2000. Working in cancer support related positions since then, she offers the following trainings: One-On-One Cancer Peer Support and/or Group Cancer Peer Support Facilitator Training;  Cancer: Thriving and Surviving and/or Pain Management Workshop Leader Training; and One-On-One Smoking Cessation Facilitator Training.

Sandy Ginsburg                                                                   

November 30, 1939 - March 29, 2021








The world lost a magnificent soul on Monday, March 29, 2021. Sandy Ginsburg was a true superhero -- an indomitable fighter, devoted wife, mother, beloved friend, and community stalwart. She tackled life with unbounded energy and enthusiasm and, at every turn, sought to make the world a better, more beautiful place. Despite being dealt a cruel hand - losing her mother to breast cancer at age 13, and later, as an adult, being diagnosed with breast cancer multiple times, as well as leukemia and bladder cancer, she nonetheless persevered and achieved incredible success both personally and in the community.


"Our community is forever impacted by the beautiful gift Sandy gave of herself and the time she gave to build People Living Through Cancer and Cancer Support Now."


"She was such a special lady, amazing she lived as long as she did, but would seem to speak to her strength.  She was a class act."


"Sandy was a loyal friend and supporter to the Cancer Survivorship movement in New Mexico ever since her first diagnosis, decades ago. She was quick to offer support, care, comfort or anything she could possibly do to ease the suffering of a friend or fellow survivor. She was very much loved."

Sandy G.jpg

© 2019 Cancer Support Now. Design by: Gavriela de Boer

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